Women Poets of the 19th & 20th Century at Mount Auburn

In the first half of the nineteenth-century, women authored poetry was primarily found in women’s magazines such as Godey’s Lady Book, Graham’s Magazine and the Lady’s Wreath. In time, more prestigious periodicals such as the Atlantic Monthly, Harper’s, North American Review, and Century Magazine would provide a wider audience for nineteenth-century popular women poets. Several of these women poets were buried here at Mount Auburn. While many have written about domesticity, liberal Christianity, romanticism, familial grief, and nationalism, not all of these one-time popular women poets were alike.

Maria White Lowell, Louise Chandler Moulton, Annie Adams Fields, Frances Sargent Osgood, Fanny Parnell, Caroline Frances Orne, Amy Lowell and Julia Ward Howe are just a few of the female poets who are buried at Mount Auburn Cemetery.