Signs placed at Corners of all Avenues and Paths

September 18, 2015

1852    Signs placed at corners of all avenues and paths     

“Voted. That Mr. Tisdale be a committee to see that good and sufficient sign boards, with names, be placed at the corners of all the avenues & paths, where they are now deficient.”     (Trustee Minutes 8/3/1852)

Orientation within the Cemetery has always been an important issue.  Early engravings show the first signs as hand-painted planks mounted on rough posts.  These were replaced by more elaborate signs, probably after mid-century.  The current design dates to some time in the early twentieth century.  Recent aluminum versions were added as additional path and avenues were created or when older signs were damaged.

There are currently 500 path and avenue signs.  In fiscal year 2015, 11 signs were restored as part of an approximately 10 year cycle of care.  When you are out on the grounds and spot a green flag on a post that is missing its sign, rest assured that we are caring for the sign. They are being repaired and repainted so these beautiful and functional structures will continue to mark the site for many years to come.


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