Gamaliel Bradford VI (1863-1932)

Biographer, Poet, & Dramatist

Gamaliel Bradford VI, was born on October 9, 1863, in Boston, Massachusetts. He inherited a rich legacy, being the sixth in a line bearing his same name; a lineage which traced back to Governor William Bradford of the Plymouth Colony. His grandfather, Dr. Gamaliel Bradford of Boston, was a renowned abolitionist, instilling in him a passion for social justice and moral inquiry.

In 1886, Bradford married Helen Hubbard Ford. Together, they nurtured a family, welcoming two children into their midst: Gamaliel Bradford VII and Sarah Rice Bradford. However, tragedy struck with the untimely death of their son, Gamaliel Bradford VII, casting a shadow over their lives.

Bradford's academic path led him briefly to Harvard University before he pursued further studies under the guidance of a private tutor. Despite grappling with ill-health, his voracious intellect and boundless imagination propelled him forward, shaping his distinctive literary style.

Residing in Wellesley, Massachusetts, Bradford became a revered figure in the literary community. His influence extended beyond his writings, as evidenced by the naming of the Wellesley High School building and student newspaper in his honor, a testament to his enduring legacy.

Throughout his prolific career, Bradford penned 114 biographies, earning him the title of the "Dean of American Biographers." He pioneered the psychographic approach to biography, exploring the inner workings of his subjects' minds with unparalleled insight.

Among his contemporaries, Bradford counted George Faunce Whitcomb, a fellow Harvard alum and poet, as a dear friend. Their camaraderie underscored the interconnectedness of the literary world, bound by mutual admiration and respect.

On April 11, 1932, Bradford died in his beloved home of Wellesley, Massachusetts.

Gamaliel Bradford VI is buried in Lot 1070 on Magnolia Ave. in Mount Auburn Cemetery