Preservation & Stewardship

Stewardship is a core Cemetery value. For Mount Auburn, this includes the preservation our history, monuments, structures, and collections while simultaneously fostering the health and environmental sustainability of our landscape in a dynamic and changing world.


At Mount Auburn Cemetery, preservation efforts play a crucial role in maintaining the historical and cultural significance of this cherished landmark. As the first rural and landscaped cemetery in the United States, it stands as a testament to the past and an inspiration for the future.

Through ongoing preservation efforts, Mount Auburn continues to honor its rich built history by providing a timeless space to connect with the past. The safeguarding of this cultural treasure ensures that the Cemetery's legacy will endure for generations to come.

Our Preservation Initiatives Include:

Environmental Stewardship

Over three decades, Mount Auburn has secured cleaner energy sources, established a sustainable grounds maintenance plan, and introduced greener burial and cremation services. Now, the Cemetery is working towards its most ambitious goal: carbon-neutrality by 2050.

Our current Sustainability Initiatives include:

Plant Biodiversity

Plant Biodiversity

Efforts to increase plant biodiversity throughout Mount Auburn’s 175 acres began in the 1990s. Now, diversifying the Cemetery’s plant collections is an essential strategy to preserve our landscape’s health and increase its resiliency in the face of climate change.

Greening Our Turf Care

Greening Our Turf Care

The Cemetery has drastically reduced the environmental impacts of its turf and landscape maintenance practices by modifying mowing cycles, addressing soil health, introducing low-maintenance turf alternatives, and investing in more sustainable equipment.

Environmentally Friendly Tributes

Environmentally Friendly Tributes

To better protect our landscape and our wildlife, only natural tributes may be left on our grounds.

Rain & Mulch

Rain & Mulch

To reuse our natural resources wisely, Mount Auburn recycles both trees and rain. Our tree trimming and pruning is turned into mulch to help retain moisture in the soil and prevent invasive growth. Beneath our greenhouse is a massive cistern for collecting rain water. The water is utilized both in our greenhouse and throughout the grounds. In our growing effort to become carbon neutral, Mount Auburn does not utilize town or city water supplies from Cambridge or Watertown.

Our Canopy

Our Canopy

Each year our staff gathers to celebrate Arbor Day, however tree planting is an ongoing endeavor at Mount Auburn. In fact, Mount Auburn’s canopy makes up more than 30% of Watertown’s green space by acreage and is in the top ten green spaces for canopy by acreage  in both Cambridge and Watertown.

Environmentally Friendly Vehicles and Tools

Environmentally Friendly Vehicles and Tools

Maintaining our dynamic landscape and active Cemetery takes quite a great deal of machinery. As our equipment upgrades and additions happen, Mount Auburn is making every effort to purchase environmentally responsible electric vehicles and power tools. Moving from diesel or gas powered equipment to electric also reduces noise pollution as well.