Roberto Mighty’s earth.sky
Using historically based storytelling, cinematography, photography, audio recording, sound design, digital editing, music and mobile interactive, earth.sky evokes American history and the contemporaneous life force of diverse individuals interred at Mount Auburn from its consecration in 1831 to the present.
Mount Auburn’s First Artist-in-Residence
In April 2014, filmmaker and new media artist Roberto Mighty became Mount Auburn Cemetery’s first artist-in-residence and the first artist-in-residence at any American cemetery. During his time at the Cemetery, Mighty was touched by Mount Auburn’s landscape and “residents.” His explorations of the landscape—in all seasons and all hours of day and night—and his research about those buried here—both historic and contemporary figures—inspired him to envision a media project about the Cemetery that combines film, historic voices, layered design, and music, entitled earth.sky.
earth.sky premiered in 2017 as a site-specific multimedia installation created for Mount Auburn’s Story Chapel, consisting of synchronized high definition video and audio projections onto the chapel’s interior architectural surfaces. At the conclusion of his residency, Mighty released the project as an online exhibit to make the series of films, music, images, and storytelling available to audiences worldwide.
Experience a uniquely emotional, historical journey through breathtaking landscape cinematography, high-fidelity audio, music, and photography, while hearing the inspiring, sometimes heartbreaking and often uplifting words of individuals interred at Mount Auburn Cemetery from its inception to today. As Mighty describes it “earth.sky is not about death. It is about living people. People who once walked the earth as we now do. People who live on in the memories of others.” explore earth.sky
About Roberto Mighty
Roberto Mighty is a multimedia artist, filmmaker, photographer, sound designer, and musician who uses interactive and online technology in his work. His immersive, interactive exhibitions and artist talks take place online, in museums, colleges, galleries, community organizations, and visitor centers. Learn more about Roberto’s work, past and present on his website.

earth.sky has been made possible with generous support from: