Violet Path Planting Project
Mount Auburn Cemetery May 24, 2024 Landscape

Path Closures starting May 28 - mid June 2024.
Last fall, contractors reinforced this path that was facing erosion with new infrastructure and a gravel walkway to aid the visitor experience. Now, in the final phase of the improvement work along Violet Path, our partners at Parterre Ecological Services will be installing a variety of native plant species including ferns, shrubs, and trees on the surrounding slopes to further stabilize this ground and provide shelter for the variety of wildlife that seek this area as a sanctuary. Notably, Sassafras albidum (Common Sassafras) which acts as a host plant for Spicebush swallowtail (Papilio troilus) caterpillars that have been found nearby will be a prominent feature.

Thank you to the A.J. & M.D. Ruggiero Memorial Trust, Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust, the Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation, and our generous individual donors for supporting this project and making these improvements possible. Learn more background on the history of Mount Auburn’s woodland restoration projects around the Consecration Dell area >>

If you are excited about improvements to our landscape like this, consider donating to the Friends of Mount Auburn today! Unrestricted gifts greatly support Mount Auburn in all its facets including: public education, caring for our horticultural collection, preservation and conservation, and protection of wildlife habitat.
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