Botanists, Horticulturists, & Garden Enthusiasts of Mount Auburn
Explore Mount Auburn's landscape through the eyes of it's designers, as well as the many notable garden professionals and enthusiasts who chose their resting place here.
Mount Auburn as an Experimental Garden and Historic Landscape
Botanists, Horticulturalists, & Garden Enthusiasts
Meet the people who shaped historic Boston's horticultural design, from the landscape of Mount Auburn Cemetery, to the private gardens of Beacon Hill, and even the pleasure grounds of the Boston Public Garden.
The Historic Landscape
Mount Auburn features many unique character zones, where horticulturalists and landscape designers work together to bring the historic core of the cemetery to life. Read about the various areas of the cemetery and their thoughtful design.
The content on this page has been adapted from the research by Bree Harvey in The Botanists, Horticulturalists, and Garden Enthusiasts of Mount Auburn walking tour in 2003.